Sabtu, 16 Januari 2021

Job Interview

 Job Interview 

      A job interview is a formal meeting between a job seeker and an employer. Explanation: The statement is true. Interview is a formal face-to-face meeting. 

      A job interview is a formal meeting between a job seeker and the employer where theemployer evaluates the interviewee’s achievements and educational accomplishments for thequalification of the job they are interviewed for. It is important to make special preparationswhen attending a nursing role interview. Taking a review of the organization that is interviewinggreatly gives a candidate an upper hand at understanding the principles of this organization andincreases the chances of being selected (Mellor, & Gregoric, 2016).Before the attendance of an interview, it is important to create a professional portfolio. Acover letter, resume and notable accomplishments that are detailed make up a perfectprofessional portfolio. The role of the portfolio is to clearly show basic nursing information,knowledge, skills and academics possessed upon request by the authorities. A portfolio is madeup of past achievements, present visions and future attributes in the nursing field and theseaspects make it an advantageous tool in the interviews and job applications (Peddle, et. al.,2016). With the portfolio, the employer will be able to match the skills I pose with therequirements.Preparing for a first time impression is also another factor that I will get ready for in thenursing role interview. A first-time impression I will achieve by ensuring high levels of.

Job interview

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